部長 青木研人
拝啓 貴下ますますご清栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。
協賛金額 :1口 2000円
協賛方法 :1.協賛口数を決め、以下の口座に直接振り込みをおこなってください。
お礼 :ご希望をいただけましたら、上智大学弁論部のホームページにてお名前を掲載させていただきます(任意)。
問い合わせ先:上智大学弁論部 渉外 mailアットsophiadebate.com (アットを@に替えてご送信下さい)
Request for your support regarding the activities of the Sophia University Speech Club
Dear Sir or Madam, We are pleased to hear from you and wish you continued success in your endeavours.
We, the Sophia Debate Club, are a recognised organisation of Sophia University, whose philosophy and purpose is to promote speech and debate. Although it has only been a short time since our establishment, we have been active in organising the Sophia University Speech and Debate Club Cup and other events. However, due to the recent unprecedented disasters, we are struggling to raise funds for our activities. We would like to ask for your support for our activities in order to further develop our oratorical/debating activities in the future.
Your donation will be used mainly for the following purposes
- to reduce the burden of club fees collected from members of the Sophia University Debating Club and to lower the hurdles for participation in the various training sessions and competitions.
- to subsidise the activities organised by the Sophia University Oratorical Club, such as the National Convention, and to promote the participation of Sophia University Oratorical Club members in such activities
- to enhance the budget of the Sophia University Speech Club and use it to promote the activities of the Sophia University Speech Club and to share information/know-how for the above-mentioned purposes.
We would like to thank you for your kind attention to the above objectives.
Sincerely yours
— Notation
Sponsorship amount: 2,000 yen per unit
Method of sponsorship:
1. coming soon.
2. Notify us that you have made a remittance via the following website
Remittance notification page
Thank you: If you wish, we will post your name on the Sophia University Speech Club website (optional).
Contact: Sophia University Speech Club External Relations Jump to contact page